Desktop Computers tailored to fit your every need. Personal, Business, Gaming, or Servers.
All Custom-BuiltPC computers are assembled in USA
using name brand components. We make a faster, more expandable, long lasting computer system.

We personalize every notebook with software and updates. We create factory recovery DVD sets and provide local support and service. Custom-BuiltPCs stock: Acer, Asus, Levovo, Toshiba, Sony Laptops and netbooks.
If you need something special we will custom assemble your
notebook to meet your Needs! Only @ CBPC
Dependable and reliable computer service available for any brand of computer. Data Recovery, Cisco Certified networking, Digital Telephony, IT Specialists. We service
Windows 98-Windows 10, MAC OS X, and Linux based systems. (740) 532-5471

Need help implementing your POS installation?
We have the solution to make your business more profitable and efficient.
